Thursday, June 18, 2009

Police and Gangs

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This video speaks for itself... (Or does it?).

Having been a resident of Los Angeles for some time and having had direct contact with gang members and police, I have realized that not all is what it seems. Gang Members and Police who claim to want to help the community don't and Vice Versa. Gang Intervention is a great idea in theory and has worked for some cities including Watts. Police Community relations has improved and crime is down. This does not mean, however, that (that) same gang member won't shoot at or kill that same Police Officer. Gang Members will always be from where they are from and tension will always persist between the community and Police. Take for example the incident involving Los Angeles Grape Street Crip Gang Interventionist Marlo "Bow Wow" Jones in which Bow Wow robbed a famous rap artist visiting Los Angeles. (See that story here) or the claims made by ex LAPD 77th division officers Ryan Moreno and Chuck Garcia that Janice Hahn is "on the side of Gang Members from the Jordan Downs Hosing Projects" and transferred them out of their "Beat" due to complaints from Gang Leaders that they were being "too tough".

"For years, many police officers, especially in anti-gang units, have complained that the LAPD's receptivity to complaints have made officers susceptible to false allegations. That debate, which often has pitted officers against reform advocates, frequently has been aired in squad rooms. Monday's lawsuit offers a rare opportunity for the competing perspectives to be heard in court." (Source:Patrick McGreevy Times Staff Writer)

It is also interesting to see unique LAPD Blogs (this one was removed but we still have it here.) that discuss with frankness the issues surrounding duty on the streets, gangs, politics, complaints etc.

Another good site to visit is the Ethics In Policing website which discusses issues that plague police in all communities.

This article is brain food to begin the discussion:

"Police are tyrants" vs. "Police need to be tough in gang ridden areas"

To be totally honest with you, some Police are just human. In my personal opinion some are good, some are stubborn, and some are just flat out interesting (aka too dumb to be on the job). Bad decisions are made by all, but when you are a Police Officer, the actions of one can adversely affect us all.

This Post is an open discussion on all issues dealing with Police, Gangs, and the ACLU's involvement in the "Politics" of community relations, policing and fairness.

Please leave your comments below.


Unknown said...

I had a great time reading around your posts as I read it extensively.

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